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Wilbur Henry Waters School of Religion, Inc. and Theological Seminary

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BI204 - New Testament Survey II


with Rev. Farmer

Calendar Aug 19, 2024 at 6 pm

This course continues the journey began in past 1 of unfolding the New Testament for the student. Emphasis is placed on the Epistles of Paul and the Books of Peter, Jude, and John.


  • The Holy Bible (KJV preferred)
  • New Testament Survey by Walter M. Dunnett


BI303 - The Synoptic Gospels

Calendar Aug 19, 2024 at 6 pm

CE501 - Worship and Praise


with Rev. Diggins

Calendar Aug 19, 2024 at 6 pm

The objective of this course is to teach the conditions under which God’s presence draws near to us. For we see God’s presence is conditional. He doesn’t come simply because we want Him to. He comes when the conditions are right. Only as we maintain the conditions that He has ordained for His coming can we hope to know the joy of living in His presence on a daily, moment-by-moment basis.

EM103 - Christian Education


with Rev. Burt

Calendar Aug 19, 2024 at 6 pm

Introduction to Christian Education is concerned with the progressive transformation of the believer toward the character, values, motives, attitudes and understanding of God. This course attempts to assist students who are participating in Christian education in their local churches or are interested in learning more about the biblical foundations that governs Christian education and educational theory. The roles of the leadership in the local church concerning Christian education will be explained. The effects of age, gender, race, and culture in the teaching­learning process will be explored.



  • Christian Education: Foundations for Future by Robert E. Clark, Lin Johnson and Allyn K. Sloat

EM341 - Homiletics I


with Dr. Isaac

Calendar Aug 19, 2024 at 6 pm

The purpose of this course is to present a definition and discussion of each of the principal types of sermons (i.e. topical, textual and expository).  Also, to deal with the mechanics of sermon construction, considering homiletical structure, the title, the introduction, the proposition, the divisions, the discussion, the use of illustrations, the application and the conclusion.



  • On the Preparation & Delivery of Sermons by John Broadus
  • How to Prepare Bible Messages by James Braga


EM401 - Advanced Homiletics

Calendar Aug 19, 2024 at 6 pm

This course is designed to give a full and practical examination of the choice to lead to five possible sermon structures:  DECLARATIVE,PRAGMATIC, NARRATIVE,VISIONARY and INTEGRATIVE, and to engage in the mechanics of a proven hermeneutical methodology that leads to an inductive examination of a text to be preached. Engage in the mechanics of a homiletical methodology that leads to exposing the text in such a way that it can be embraced and lived by listeners.

Textbook (s):

  • Holy Bible (Any Version)
  • Privilege the Text! A theological Hermeneutic For Preaching, by Abraham Kuruvilla
  • Homiletical Theology In Action, The Unfinished Theological Task of Preaching by David Schnasa Jacobsen
  • The Write Stuff, Crafting Sermons That Capture and Convince by Sondra B. Willobee



EN401 - Intro to Thesis Writing


with Rev. Lancaster

Calendar Aug 19, 2024 at 6 pm

Introduction to Thesis Writing

HI201 - Church History I


with Rev. Goodwin

Calendar Aug 19, 2024 at 6 pm

This course continues the study begun in Church History. The conclusions of this study will serve as reinforcement that the Church will triumph.


  • The Holy Bible (KJV preferred)
  • Perspective from Church History by James P. Eckman


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